Cai Guo-Qiang: Ramble in the Cosmos―From Primeval Fireball Onward

solo exhibition of Cai Guo-Qiang, starting from June 29 at National Art Center, Tokyo

courtesy of Cai Studio

At National Art Center, Tokyo, solo exhibition of Cai Guo-Qiang is starting from June 29.

The title "Primeval Fireball"(原初火球)represented a merging of Cai's understanding of astrophysics as well as a reflection on Lao Tzu's conception of the origin of the universe.  Cai held a solo exhibition in 1991 at P3 art and environment in Tokyo, entitled Primeval Fireball: The Projects for Projects, and the eponymous installation at the heart of the exhibition in 1991 is considered as the breaking point, "Big Bang", in his ongoing artistic career.

The exhibition at the National Center is based on the artist's own narrative, following the chronological order from the starting point of his artistic career in China, following years in Japan and numerous projects and works around the world. The exhibition also introduces new works for this exhibition, as well as recent activities using digital media.

■Cai Guo-Qiang: Ramble in the Cosmos―From Primeval Fireball Onward
June 29, 2023 (Thu) - August 21, 202(Mon)
National Art Center, Tokyo(7-22-2 Roppongi Minato-ku Tokyo 106-8558 Japan)

■Organizers: National Art Center, Tokyo, SAINT LAURENT
■curation: Eriko Osaka
■exhibition coordination: ArtTank
■exhibition production: Cai Studio

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